Welcome to my new blog.  

I'm currently working on the first chapter of The Company of Heaven.  I'll be uploading it some time in May.  This time round I'll be blogging in monthly instalments of around 6000 words.  We will be catching up with some of our old friends, and meeting some new ones.  There will be flowers and gemstones, good and bad behaviour.  Angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven. 

All of which is to say, I won't know until I've written it.  As always, it will depend to some extent on what the year serves up to us.  If you subscribe to the blog, it should magically appear in your inbox each time I upload a new chapter.

In the meantime, you can pre-order Tales from Lindford here It will be published on May 20th.


  1. Hi Catherine Your Lindchester books have been my favourite read (and reread) in lockdown, though I’ve been a fan since way back when Angels and Men first appeared. How do I subscribe to your blog for The Company of Heaven?

    1. Thanks for getting in touch. Glad you’ve been enjoying my books. I’ve added a subscribe option at the top of the blog.


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